THOUGHTS ON WHERE WE MIGHT BE HEADING AND WHY I will be posting slightly more focused thoughts over the next week. I’ve been trying to process a lot of thoughts and information in some of the following areas, and I look forward to sharing soon. Supply chain changes, private market investment activity and their effects, will be the first two …
Learning to Let It Be
LEARNING FROM THE BEATLES The concept of perfect hasn’t so much crept up as it has bonked me on the nose. Being comfortable with the unknown, the slower pace, the intertwined personal and professional… the pre-COVID-19 daily structures of “life” made this easy. It is easy to convince oneself that “you’ve got this” when the going is good. It is …
Lovely Day with Bill Withers – Place-Based Investing All Around Us
LOVELY DAY Today was better than yesterday. For all of us. Better sleep. Better teamwork. The girls are seemingly better. I’ve been thinking about the importance of small business – bricks and mortar, service-oriented, and scalable tech startups – a lot recently. I think about how early stage segments of businesses will respond in private markets post-COVID-19 as funding and …
Love in the Time of COVID-19
REFLECTION ETERNAL This week was more difficult for me than the past two. My morning routines were broken (I broke them). I read less. I slept less. I exercised less. I made poorer food choices and ate less of it. As someone who has struggled with mental health all his life, as an introvert, and as someone with continued social …
Let’s not trade it for anything
Thinking of You with Compassion, Courage and Composure First and foremost, our hearts go out to all those who have been and will be affected by COVID-19 — whether by illness, the isolation of preventative measures, or resulting personal and professional hardships. In this key moment in history, each of us is called on to do our part, to lead …